How did HSCP come into being?

HSCP was created by Bren-J Morris back in mid-2015 when he was around 9-10 years old, and the story followed a team of superheroes who were around his age at the time of creation. These stories were called 'The Adventures of Brendan' because he was determined to put himself into his stories and be the hero. These stories overused dragons, Egyptian mummies, ghosts, and a lot of Greek mythology… as far as I can remember. I have no clue what I was getting up to back in 2015…

Anyway, this idiot had only just realised that copyright is a thing and one cannot use other people's characters in their own work. So he did the next 'best' thing, in 2016:

Just changed their names.

Seriously that's all he (I) did.

Ripping off 'Star Wars', Yoda became Adoy, Anakin Skywalker became Anifan Waterstepper and Kylo Ren became Anif Slint… which is far better than Olyk Ner, to be honest. Lightsabers became Energy Swords and were the main weapons of the (thankfully original) team of heroes as they battled many, many rip-off 'Star Wars' villains.

There was also a talking squirrel.

Luckily though, something changed during the 2016 summer holiday and things were starting to get original. Bren eliminated the rip-offs, accidentally forgot a few of his favourite original characters ):, then re-wrote our heroes to attempt to separate himself from the story. Bren's character became John Skye, AKA Snowflake, the ice-powered 11-year-old superhero from… America?! But Bren's Bri'ish innit!

Changing the name of the novels to 'The Adventures of Snowflake', Bren kept John as the main character and began to come up with the plot for episode 1 of these adventures, which has been altered so many times that it is still a mystery today.

It didn't take long for Bren to become a lore fanatic though, first adding characters that were actually relevant to Snowflake's overarching plot, then beginning to add other characters for other stories around the Snowflake episodes, until he had something that resembled a timeline... a messy timeline of unstarted and unfinished projects.


But he didn't stop there, going on to create many characters relevant and irrelevant, characters that aren't even mentioned and just...

e x i s t

And oh boy, he was determined to give them all extremely detailed character sheets and backstories delving into their relationships, childhood, musical taste and even their favourite colours.

Things happened along the way:

So, seriously. Have a look around and enjoy your stay in HSCP!!!

No, seriously. I had to learn HTML for this sh!t.

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